Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Break!

This past week, Carson has been home from school on spring break vacation. I am happy to report that we have had a good week and I have loved, loved, loved having both my boys home. I never realized how the four hours a day that Carson is at school, makes the house seem so lonely.

A few things that Carson has said to me this week.

Carson loves to play doctor. Lord knows, he sees enough doctors. I am so grateful that he is not scared and actually loves the exams. Anyway, he loves to play doctor at home. We have gone though two doctor kits and this past Christmas Meme and Uncle Ron got Carson a really nice, new doctor kit. He also found a manicure kit and calls it his blue purse and that is part of his doctor kit as well. Carson likes to be the doctor and patient.

Dr. Mommy - Carson, what seems to be the problem?
Carson - I not feeling very well. I think I have the flute.

Carson had pulled a chair up to the freezer to take a look inside. I did not want him to have more ice cream as it was dinner time.

Mommy - Carson, please put the chair away. You are not having any more ice cream.
Carson - Mommy, can you please just be quite for a few minutes.

Every night for about 30 minutes before bed, we all (Jay included) climb into our big bed and watch a part of a movie. Lately, the boys have gotten into Cinderella. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I love the movies they love but I do get tired of Cars, The Incredibles, The Lion King and Toy Story. Happily, they have fallen in love with Cinderella and the mice and that mean old cat Lucifer.

Once Carson loves something, it is only a matter of time before we are playing that movie as a game. Really, I think he has quite the acting bug and loves to put on shows. So, we now act out Cinderella. Mostly Carson likes to be as he calls it, the wizard (fairy God Mother).

During this play, I was Cinderella and he was the wizard.

Carson - Now, the pumpkin will change into a beautiful stroller. Bibbity Bobbity Bo!
Mommy Cinderella - Carson, it is not a stroller it is called a carriage.

This coming weekend we have some fun plans. Tonight will be low key but tomorrow we are going to Granny and Pa's house for a BBQ and to play outside. Granny and Pa have about 6 acres that the boys LOVE to run around on. They live on a private road and I don't have to worry about cars or the street. The boys can just run and play and get dirty and have a blast!

Tomorrow night Jay and I are going out for our good friend Lisa's birthday. We are going to a small bar near the Almont area that is sure to have some great people watching. In my delicate condition (ha ha), I don't anticipate I will hang out all night but Jay really needs to relax and have some fun so, I am hoping the night will bring him just that. Good friends and laughter are great pick me ups! (We will just see how good he feels on Sunday!)

On Sunday, we are going to the Rex Center for Riding so that we can tour the stables. Carson is going to be taking horseback riding lessons and I can't wait to see how he likes the center. This center also has therapeutic riding for anyone with a disability. They have some amazing programs and I am hoping Carson will like the environment and be excited about riding the horses.

Little baby is doing great. Jay and I went to an appointment last Friday (a week ago already?). We had another ultrasound and all looks wonderful. The little one is still on track to arrive around Oct. 23rd. 3

I will be having another C-section so, we will schedule it the closer the due date becomes. Hard to believe that I am already in my second trimester. I wish I could say the sickness is subsiding but it is actually getting worse. I am not as tired though so, that is a good thing.

Only five weeks or so and we will have another ultrasound. We pray more than anything that the baby continues to be healthy but we would also love to know if this little one is a girl or boy. I can't wait!!

Thanks for checking in - love you all - Em

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Carsonisms. "I think I have the flute"...too funny!
Sorry you're feeling nautious... yuck! But can you hold off a few more days until Oct 26th so I can share a birthday with your baby? LOL
Love you,